Find out about Whenn and its creator.

Sarah Giblin founded Whenn to help the UK prepare for the practical side of death in the digital age.

Sarah Giblin Credit: Christoph Voy 2023 Founder of Whenn founder, and RiutBag designer. Death tech startup. Whenn app - Daniel Giblin's daughter UK Manchester Berlin

Founder Sarah Giblin Photo credit: Christoph Voy

“In my experience, once you mention this app to someone, they just get it. All those niggling questions - How do I start this conversation with my mum? What do I need to tell my kids? What if they never find my pension? How do I remember which song he wanted for his funeral? - are answered with with Whenn.

I’ve designed it to be a useful tool but, to me, the most important thing is that Whenn gives you an excuse to start the conversation about the practical side of death. You can be aged 19, 42 or 88 years old and use it. If you have a mobile phone contract or a bank account someone will need to know about this one day. Download Whenn, answer the questions, and you’ll find you’ll have finished getting your affairs in order before you know it.

To me, Whenn works best when you sit down together and answer the questions on the same call, on in the same room, with the people who might be responsible for you after death. It could be a parent, a partner, a nephew or niece or your older children.

After my dad died in 2022, I was his executor for the following 18 months. It’s a big job to look after things after someone close to you dies. From experience, I can tell you: you don’t need to share everything. You just need a map of which companies you have contracts with and an idea of their wishes. Whether you’re doing it for the first time, or the fourth, a little preparation goes a long way.”

Sarah Giblin, Whenn founder

Whenn is for noting and sharing practical information about your life - like which car insurance company you have, your wifi provider and whether you have a Paypal account - with next of kin to reference after death.

Whenn makes it simple, and normal, to do a bit of useful death prep for adults of all ages. Answer Whenn’s questions and share your Lists with next of kin.

Born in Scotland, and often found in Manchester and Berlin, Sarah Giblin is a designer and creator of things. She spends her time making things she believes will improve people’s lives without causing problems.

Sarah left her office job to launch the first secure laptop backpack, RiutBag, on Kickstarter in 2014 to help city people travel securely and calmly. After her father died in 2022, she retired from the backpack industry to work on Whenn. It’s an idea she’s been developing for many years and now it’s here to use. She has a background in law, political science and music.

Chat with her about all sorts of topics - especially law, cities, design, tech, and how society ought to be - on Facebook or Twitter.

Sarah Giblin Photo credit: Christoph Voy Founder of Whenn, creator RiutBag, designer UK startup

Sarah Giblin Photo credit: Christoph Voy