Whenn pack: help family find your accounts after death


Whenn is a tool to help you share the companies you use with next of kin. Why? So they find, and close or transfer, our accounts after death.

By post you'll receive a Whenn pack which includes:

  1. The folder to keep death-related documents e.g. a will, name change deeds, civil partnership/marriage certificate, decree absolute for divorce, prepaid funeral plan 

  2. Instructions to download the app to note and share the companies you use with your next of kin

  3. The booklet which acts as a paper backup of the app

    Order one Whenn pack per person.

Choose the pack for your location. If the person completing the pack usually lives in the United Kingdom, choose United Kingdom for your location. If the person completing the pack usually lives outside the United Kingdom, choose the other option.

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